The domestic situation
If we look into the domestic policies and situation of Indonesia, there are a number of factors that may influence or have a bearing on the conduct of foreign policy in the future. They include national development, particularly in the social and economic fields.
Development will remain the primary preoccupation of the country in the years ahead. Thus, foreign policy will have to continue to be “development and peace oriented” in the sense that it must continue within the context of the trilogy of development: stability, economic growth and social justice. In order to safeguard and support the development program of the country, it is essential to maintain domestic peace and stability. This, however, is not the function of foreign policy.
Yet, it is equally important to maintain and develop regional peace and stability, social and economic growth, and a cooperative relationship among Southeast Asian nations, so that development efforts in Indonesia can be pursued more effectively. This is the function of foreign policy. The world should be peaceful, stable and oriented to socioeconomic development. It is also important for Indonesia to contribute to regional peace, stability and development, thus strengthening national and regional resilience. Therefore, efforts to promote international and regional peace and cooperation in Southeast Asia, the South China Sea and the Pacific and the Indian Oceans will and should continue to attract Indonesia’s attention, mostly because they are also important for the country’s development.
Indonesia and national unity