Indonesia is in trouble, as it faces multidimensional, protracted problems and continuous vicious circles in almost all areas of the public sphere. Democratic mechanisms to channel the aspirations of average people to public policy makers are not running as they should, mostly because the interests of the ruling elites still dominate the decision-making processes.
Strong and visionary leadership, administrative reform, combating corruption and developing the national education system – and including civil society at every step – can trigger changes that lead to innovative policy development. Indonesia’s national leadership must constantly reflect, anticipate future scenarios, adapt to changing circumstances and have the capacity to respond well to unexpected events. For example, the availability of knowledge workers and the development of infrastructure such as power plants, ports and highways will lower the cost of doing business and attract more foreign and domestic investment. The result will be a stronger competitive advantage for Indonesia.
Azhar Kasim is dean of the School of Government and Public Policy in Indonesia (SGPP).