Global involvement
While official government-to-government talks began at Rio+20 and were followed up later, the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, in July 2012 established the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. As mandated by the 2010 Millennium Development Goals Summit, Ban was requested to provide input for the UN process that would formulate the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The recommendations of the panel were one of the inputs to the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.
Over the course of a year, the panel raised wider public attention on the post-2015 process through its co-chairs: President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia and Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain. There was also a team of 27 experts who were leaders from government, civil society and the private sector from developing and developed countries.
The panel’s input report, “A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development,” called for a transformative and inclusive agenda based on commitments in five areas: leave no one behind; put sustainable development at the core; transform economies; build peace and effective and accountable institutions; and forge new global partnerships. A number of the main ideas by the panel were later integrated in the clean text of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, such as the vision to leave no one behind, which aims to include the neediest and most vulnerable.