EVENTS | March 18, 2014
Introducing .ngo .ong exclusive new online domains for NGOs
Introducing .ngo .ong exclusive new online domains for NGOs

Speakers: KEHATI Chairman Mr. MS Sembiring, PIR Chairman Mr. Maarten Botterman
Location: Intercontinental Hotel Jakarta

The launch later this year of a new top-level global Internet domain just for non-governmental organizations means that civil society, charities, environmentalists, human rights groups and others will have an enhanced ability to become more visible on the Web.  The new domain is called .NGO and will be open to qualified NGOs.

The organization that will administer .NGO, Public Interest Registry (PIR), will be in Jakarta for an event co-sponsored by Strategic Review on Tuesday morning, March 18. PIR, which already administers the well-known .ORG top-level domain, believes .NGO will provide a valuable service to the NGO community. Here is a tentative rundown of the event:


Hours              Description

09:30 - 10:00    Registration, with coffee break served at room

10:00 - 10:10    Introduction by Moderator Mr. Lin Neumann

10:10 - 10:30    Presentation by KEHATI Chairman Mr. MS Sembiring

10:30 - 10:50    Presentation by PIR Chairman Mr. Maarten Botterman

10:50 - 11:45    Open Discussion and Q&A

11:45 - 13:00    Session Closed, with buffet lunch served at foyer

Domain holders of .NGO will also have their organizations included in a searchable NGO Directory that includes a customizable online profile, enabling each organization to showcase their activities and communicate with partners, funders and the public.


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