Happy New Year to our many readers, as we charge into our eighth year of publication! We firmly believe that 2018 will be as exciting, important and informative as last year and years past, as there is never a shortage of crucial events in Indonesia and around the world to debate. That is why we always give thanks for each new year.
So, down to business. We have a very special cover package – and a very special-looking cover – that is timely and important. Strategic Review considers the terrible conflicts in parts of the Middle East. In 2017, there were a number of significant moments, including the expulsion of the Islamic State from its headquarters in Raqqa, Syria. That said, the threat from ISIS is not gone, and our cover story authors argue that what is needed, both internationally as well as in Indonesia, to defeat this organization is at an intellectual level.
Carrying on, we look at a number of serious issues affecting Indonesia, all of which are important. An experienced team of experts explains why our country needs to take a serious look at its investment climate and make changes to improve it. We then look at the controversial issue of teenage marriage and conclude our domestic section with a fascinating essay on Indonesia’s domestic media coverage of the South China Sea disputes.
Looking abroad – well, we have a lot. Our Global Perspectives section looks at some serious international issues, ranging from the security of nations’ domestic elections from foreign manipulation to the impact of Asian trade agreements on the welfare of women and how relations between China and Japan will impact tensions in the region.
We welcome you to 2018 and invite you to our latest edition. As always, this new year will bring with it unlimited possibilities for debate and discussion on critical issues for Indonesia and the world.
Best regards,
Dr Hassan Wirajuda